Which ATEM is Right for Me?

Title: Which ATEM Is Right For Me? A Comprehensive Guide

Hello everyone! I recently watched a very informative video by AJaytheCEO on YouTube titled "Which ATEM Is Right For Me?" and I thought I'd share my thoughts and a summary of the video with you all.

AJaytheCEO is a well-known figure in the media ministry community, and in this video, he walks us through the different ATEM models available and provides insights into which one might be the best fit for different situations.

He starts with the base model, the ATEM Mini, which he describes as a four-input capture device with two audio inputs. It doesn't have a headphone out or multi-view, and it can't live stream. However, it's a great option for pastors or anyone looking to upgrade their live streaming or Zoom meetings with an additional camera or better sound.

Next, he discusses the ATEM Mini Pro, which has all the features of the ATEM Mini but also includes a multi-view out or program out and can live stream independently. This model is ideal for a studio setting, a conference room, or for live streaming events like weddings or graduations.

The ATEM Mini Pro ISO is similar to the ATEM Mini Pro, but it records every single input as well as the program out. This is particularly useful for events like weddings, where you might want to capture every moment from multiple angles.

The ATEM SDI and ATEM SDI Pro ISO are similar to their Mini counterparts but use SDI connections instead of HDMI. These models are great for professional settings where you need more robust, weatherproof cables.

The ATEM Mini Extreme is AJaytheCEO's go-to recommendation for most ministries. It has eight inputs, two DSKs, two HDMI outs, two USB outs, and can live stream. This model is perfect for churches that are looking to grow their media capabilities.

The ATEM Mini Extreme ISO is similar to the ATEM Mini Extreme but records all eight inputs. This model is ideal for recording events from multiple angles and provides a backup in case anything is missed during the live event.

Lastly, the ATEM SDI Extreme ISO has all the same features as the ATEM Mini Extreme ISO but uses SDI connections and has four independent outputs. This model is perfect for permanent installations where you need strong, reliable cables.

In conclusion, AJaytheCEO provides a comprehensive guide to choosing the right ATEM model based on your specific needs. Whether you're a pastor looking to improve your live streaming, a professional videographer recording weddings, or a church looking to expand your media capabilities, there's an ATEM model for you.

If you're interested in learning more, I highly recommend watching the full video


Shiloh Baptist Church


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