Modern Media Ministry Is Now Necessary

A church with an effective media ministry can reach millions of people like never before, but how exactly can we do that? Buying the latest and greatest equipment is not a guaranteed way to reach people. Strategies, tips, tools, mindset, and training help you do that. The goal of this book is for you to find a given topic, work on that one topic until it is mastered and generates the desired outcome, and then work on the next topic that is specifically needed for your ministry. You can read the book from beginning to end but I would highly recommend the first approach as each topic builds upon each other so the benefits will show when you take one topic at a time.

Modern Media Ministry Made Easy

The church is at a fork in the road. Embrace new technology or go into the future kicking and screaming while calling any modern technology the work of the devil. This book aims to enlighten you on what changes your church can make to be more relevant in this technologically changing world and how your media ministry can be used to reach the world like never before—churches with 4 members up to churches with 50,000+. Technology has leveled the playing field. The things that were once only available to the megachurches can now be accessed by smaller churches with a smartphone. Modernizing your media ministry doesn't cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. You might just be surprised and shocked just how much you can do completely free but first, we need to educate ourselves and free ourselves from bad teaching and fear that is holding our church's growth hostage.