Affordable $1000 Church Live Stream Setup Guide


Welcome to AJaytheCEO's latest guide on setting up an affordable live streaming system for your church. In this post, we’ll walk you through the equipment and steps needed to create a high-quality live streaming setup for just $1000. This tutorial is based on our recent installation at Shiloh Baptist Church in Bowling Green, Virginia. Whether you're upgrading your current setup or starting from scratch, this guide will help you get started.

Step 1: Gather Your Equipment

Here’s a list of the essential equipment we used for this setup:

Step 2: Install the PTZ Camera

The PTZ (Pan-Tilt-Zoom) camera is a critical component of the setup. We mounted the camera upside down to maximize its range of motion. This positioning allows us to cover a broader area, making it easier to capture the entire service without any blind spots.

Step 3: Setup the Mini PC

The mini PC serves as the heart of your live streaming setup. It runs OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) for managing the live stream. Connect the mini PC to your camera, audio interface, and monitors. Ensure all connections are secure and that the PC has internet access, either through a hardline or a reliable Wi-Fi connection.

Step 4: Configure the Audio System

We connected the church's existing mixer to the mini PC using the main XLR outputs. If needed, you can use an audio interface to ensure high-quality sound. We also ran a power line converter to extend the internet connection, providing a stable and reliable connection for streaming.

Step 5: Connect the Displays

We replaced the old SD camera system with a new HD PTZ camera and connected it to the mini PC. We also planned to upgrade the displays in the church to support HDMI connections, ensuring a clearer and more professional broadcast.

Step 6: Final Adjustments and Testing

After installing all the equipment, we tested the system to ensure everything was working correctly. We adjusted the camera angles, tested the audio quality, and ran a live stream test using OBS. Minor adjustments were made to optimize the setup, including updating the graphics card driver on the mini PC.


With just $1000, you can significantly upgrade your church's live streaming capabilities. This setup provides a professional and reliable solution for broadcasting your services, making it easier to reach your congregation online. For more media ministry tips and tutorials, be sure to subscribe to AJaytheCEO on YouTube and support us on Patreon.

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Church live stream setup, affordable church tech, media ministry tips, church live streaming, PTZ camera installation, OBS setup for church, budget live streaming, church technology, mini PC for streaming, church audio setup, fiber optic HDMI, church tech upgrade, AJaytheCEO


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